Fresh off the hook, I finally finished the details on the first five dolls in my new collection of new crochet patterns I have been designing that I hinted at in blog from the other day, So Many Doll Parts…. 🙂
So happy to share them with you finally. So here they are. These amigurumi dolls are based on the Funko collectibles on characters I love.
I am currently typing of the patterns from my handwritten notes for the following, starting from left to right in picture above.

So this has been my labor of love. I have been dying to spill the secret before it was done. There are plans for many more characters to be made with mockups drawn up for lots of my beloved favs from fandoms I adore. Any you would to see?
Off to work on typing up these patterns and the base pattern for the doll body so you can make your own crochet creations.
What has been on your hooks lately?
Happy crocheting!
<3 cRAfterChick
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Note: All the cRAfterChick patterns shared on this site are free of charge. Please feel free to use them to make your own items. If you use it to make items to sell please credit cRAfterChick for the pattern and provide link to our site. Please do not copy and paste my pattern or try to use my images as your own. You can link to any of my patterns. Happy crafting!