Jordan's Pink Angels Beanie Hat Crochet Pattern_ a chick crafting through Rheumatoid Arthritis

Jordan’s Pink Angels Beanie Hat Crochet Pattern

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Jordan’s Pink Angels Beanie Hat Free Crochet Pattern

 Jordan is one of my Autoimmune Arthritis heroes. As she battles her Juvenile Arthritis she is raising awareness for Arthritis and spreading smiles. Her walk team for the Arthritis Foundation walk in her area is Jordan’s Pink Angels, you can also find them on Facebook here. I am blown away by her strength and positive energy she shares with all.  Thank you Jordan <3

Jordan’s Pink Angels Beanie Hat Crochet Pattern Notes

Jordan's Pink Angels Beanie Hat Crochet Pattern Laying Flat View

Project requires:
Pink Yarn for Beanie Hat and I used it for J as seen in picture above-  (I use a lot of Red Heart Saver yarn but any medium to normal weight yarn will do)
Red yarn for heart
White Yarn for angel wings
“J” hook (6.0 mm)
Scissors or Yarn Cutter
Blunt large eye yarn / tapestry needle to weave in ends

Abbreviations used in this pattern (US crochet stitches):
ch – chain
st – stitch
sl st – slip stitch
sc – single crochet (US)
sctog – single crochet two st together (US) 
dc – double crochet (US) 
hdc – half double crochet (US)

Jordan's Pink Angels Beanie Hat Crochet Pattern

Pattern Instructions:
*Note: This project is worked in the round on the base of a magic ring. If you do not know how to do this, please see tutorial here from: yarntomato on CrochetMe

The hat in this picture is made with my Easy Peasy  Pre-Teen / Teen / Women Double Crochet Beanie Pattern which you can find here as a foundation for the project.  Want it in another size? No worries. Head over to Easy Peasy All Family Sizes Free Double Crochet Beanie Patterns to select the size you want for your project.

Hat Base: using medium to dark pink yarn or desired color for hat base
Use Easy Peasy Crochet Beanie Size of your choice. Once finished put it to the side until you are ready to attach applique.

Heart : Using Red (or other color you want for heart) yarn with “J” crochet hook
The heart I made by this tutorial for Medium sized heart (2 rounds) by HeloiseV Crochet.
(Note: Make sure you leave an extra long tail at the end. This will be used in finishing steps below.)

Angel Wings (Make 2): Using white yarn with “J” crochet hook
Round 1: Chain 9. Sc in second chain from hook and continue making one sc per chain until end.  Ch 2 and turn. (8 sc)
Round 2: For this row, dc once in first two st, hdc in next 3 st, sc in next st and sctog last two st.  Ch 1 and turn. (7 st total).
Round 3: For this row, sc in first two st, hdc in next 3 st, dc in last two st. Ch 3 and turn.  (7 st total)
Round 4: Sl st in first st, *ch 3 then sl st in next st* repeat * until at end of starting corner. Ch 1 and rotate piece so you are working at back end of Round 1.
Round 5: (Note: This is an optional round. I like the more finished look with my wings.) Sc in first sc and each sc across (8 sc). Pull through.

(Tip: Make sure you leave an extra long tail at the end. This will be used in finishing steps below.)

Letter J or whatever letter you choose (in matching main color to beanie base – in my case hot pink)For my “J” I just single crocheted a chain the approximate length I wanted to make the J on the heart. For this one shown in pictures it was a chain of 9.
Then just use your tapestry (large eye yarn) needle to secure it in the finished place on top of the heart. This is an optional step that you can exclude from your project if so desired. 

Finishing off:
To attach the wings to the heart, overlap them slightly behind heart before using needle to pull through and make a few stitches with your starting tail. It doesn’t have to be much or long as it is just to keep them about where you want them to attach to hat.

*Tip: If your wings seem to be too tall or fat, pull on outermost corner, diagonally. This will stretch out the wings making them shorter and longer.

Now place your appliques on top of the beanie where you want them to be on the finished project.

*Tip: If you want to, you can use clothing pins or safety pins to hold them in place during your stitching. I tend to pin mine in place with some straight pins on to my Styrofoam model head. I’m a bit of a planner..

Taking your end tail from one wing, work on sewing a simple stitch around the perimeter of the wing through the beanie with your tapestry needle. Pull end through and finish off.

Using tail end from other wing duplicate what is done in first wing but in a mirror image of the location of the first one with tapestry needle. This is where using those pins can come in handy so they don’t move about on you. 😉 Pull end through and finish off.

Taking the last end tail hanging from your applique, for the heart, thread tapestry needle and secure heart in place on to beanie.

Just finish off and cut off extra lengths. You are ready to go!

Here are some pictures to show how this beanie looks worn from different directions once fully assembled:
Jordan's Pink Angels Beanie Hat Crochet Pattern 1

Jordan's Pink Angels Beanie Hat Crochet Pattern Front Left View

Jordan's Pink Angels Beanie Hat Crochet Pattern Front View

Jordan's Pink Angels Beanie Hat Crochet Pattern Right Profile View

Jordan's Pink Angels Beanie Hat Crochet Pattern Rear View

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Note: All the cRAfterChick patterns shared on this site are free of charge.  Please feel free to use them to make your own items.  If you use it to make items to sell please credit cRAfterChick for the pattern and provide link to our site.  Please do not copy and paste my pattern or try to use my images as your own.  You can link to any of my patterns.  Happy crafting!

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